Chairman's Message
I am honoured and humbled by this opportunity to address future students of Shri Bhawani Niketan Teacher's Training College as Chairman of Shri Bhawani Niketan Shiksha Samiti.
At Shri Bhawani Niketan Teacher's Training College, we like to create an environment where the students indentify and nurture their inherent potential. We realize that we have the responsibility to shape –up the future of budding and to make them thorough professionals. Here we have intellectuals, who groom future citizens of a developing India; a India that is capable of leading the world. We aim to achieve our objective by incorporating innovative changes in the conventional pedagogy. The curriculum and pedagogical methods are amalgamated with ideological inputs, behavioural content and team building aspects, so that both hard and soft skills are developed amongst the students.
Again, to achieve this object, we bank upon the intellectual capital we have. The faculty at Shri Bhawani Niketan Teacher's Training College is an ingenious mix of both, academia and professional. A mix that is capable of designing and delivering a curriculum that matches tomorrow’s requirements. Your decision to join Shri Bhawani Niketan Teacher's Training College is more important than just choosing a college. It will define what you do for a major part of your working life, and possibly beyond it.
God bless you all.